Zocht je misschien: encounter?
Plurilingualism in vocational education & training: exploring students’ plurilingual repertoires, behaviours and attitudes towards interactions in daily life, school and work
van Batenburg, Eline (Faculteit Onderwijs En Opvoeding (Foo)); Dale, Liz (Faculteit Onderwijs En Opvoeding (Foo))
Sustainable employability and work outcomes
Gürbüz, Sait; Bakker, Arnold B; Joosen, Margot C W; Noordik, Erik; Kok, Robin N; Penders, Gregorius B S; Brouwers, Evelien P M
Investigating the experiences and vulnerabilities of women with disabilities to violence in Makurdi, Benue State, Nigeria
Torhee, A.E. (Student); Arensbergen, P. van
Bringing innovative MedTech devices to the USA: Research into the US healthcare sector
Matt Barlow (Student)
Nominatie Haagse Hogeschool Afstudeerprijs 2024Product safety and liability soft textile toys
Manik, N (Nusrat) (Student)
Graduation project
Abulcai, N (Nurhan) (Student)
Dynamic Weather System inside Unreal Engine 4.
Ani, T (Tudor) (Student)
Implications of changing Caribbean coral reefs on Diadema antillarum larvae settlement
Wijers, T. (Onderzoeker); Hylkema, A. (Lid Lectoraat); Herpen, B. van; Mattijssen, D.; Murk, A.J.; Patterson, J.T.
Our experiences with experience-based co-design
Danielle Vossebeld (Onderzoeker); Remko van der Lugt (Lector); Lotte van der Schoot (Onderzoeker)
Low-achieving adolescent students' perspectives on their interactions with classmates.
Marion van de Sande; Minne Fekkes; R.F.W. (René) Diekstra; Carolien Gravesteijn; Paul L. Kocken; Ria Reis