Building a home for each of us. Music education as a homing practice.
Bisschop Boele, Evert
Designing a physical boundary object to invite dialogue about power relations behind AI systems
T.S. van der Horst; A. Overdiek; M. Harbers
Unlearning Anthropocentrism
Laura Cull O Maoilearca (Lector)
Should social programs target finances, health, or well-being
Broekhuizen, Jonathan; van Geuns, R.C. (Lectoraat Armoede Interventies)
Casting for Change:
Joke Hermes (Lector); Linda Kopitz (Onderzoeker)
Governing the world
A.M. (Alanna) O'Malley (Lector)
Cyber-Physical Systems of Systems and Complexity Science: The Whole is More than the Sum of Individual and Autonomous Cyber-Physical Systems
A.F. van Lier (Lector)
Optical filters used in quantum optomechanics
Michail Vlassov (Student); J.H.R. Lambers; A. Lock
Testing quantum correlations with nuclear probes
Hamieh, S.; Wörtche, H.J. (Sensors And Smart Systems); Bäumer, C.; Berg, A.M. van den; Frekers, D.; Harakeh, M.N.; Heyse, J.; Hunyadi, M.; Huu, M.A. de; Polachic, C.; Rangacharyulu, C.