Zocht je misschien: expliciet?
Families' importance in nursing care-families' opinions
Woldring, Josien M (Family Care); Paans, Wolter (Advance Care Planning); Gans, Reinold; Dorland, Laura; Luttik, Marie Louise (Family Care)
How do teachers in vocational and higher education nudge their students? A qualitative study
R.J. Weijers; B.B. de Koning; E.B. Klatter; F. Paas
Promoting explicit instruction of strategies for self-regulated learning: evaluating a teacher professional development program in primary education
P.H.M. Sins; R. de Leeuw; J. de Brouwer; E. Vrieling-Teunter
The new latin: the language of digitalization in logistic companies
K.M. Paardenkooper; M.J. Wiersma
A Machine Learning Approach to Robot Localization Using Fiducial Markers in RobotAtFactory 4.0 Competition
Klein, Luan Carlos; Braun, João; Mendes, João; Pinto, Vítor H.; Martins, Felipe (Sensors And Smart Systems); Schneider de Oliveira, André; Wörtche, Heinrich (Sensors And Smart Systems); Gomes Costa, Paulo; Lima, José
Enterprise Architecture in Healthcare Networks
Arjen Maris (Phd); Stijn Hoppenbrouwers (Lector); Pascal Ravesteijn (Lector); Jos van Hillegersberg
Network Governance in Healthcare
Arjen Maris (Phd); Stijn Hoppenbrouwers (Lector); Pascal Ravesteijn (Lector); Jos van Hillegersberg
Recruiting social movement members through personal referrals
Vladimir Genov (Student)
SaveWise: The impact of a real-life financial education program for ninth grade students in the Netherlands
Amagir, Aisa (Faculteit Onderwijs En Opvoeding (Foo)); van den Brink, Henriëtte Maassen; Groot, Wim; Wilschut, Arie
Hoe zien de alinea’s van onze leerlingen eruit? over de kenmerken van alinea’s in e-mails en betogende teksten van havoleerlingen
A. van Winden; N. Stukker; E.J. van Schooten; T. van Haaften; F. Janssen; K. de Glopper