Intercultural Communication: Hampering and Facilitating Factors in International Business
Anna Sabidussi (Onderzoeker); Ingrid Devjak; İrem Bezcioğlu-Göktolga; Reinier Smeets
Underestimated Factors Regarding the Use of Technology in Daily Practice of Long-Term Care: Qualitative Study Among Health Care Professionals
Ouden, MEM (Marjolein ) den (Lector); Gemert-Pijnen, JEWC (Lisette) van (Extern); Os-Medendorp, H (Harmieke) van (Associate Lector); Groeneveld, (Sjors) (Onderzoeker); Verdaasdonk, (Rudolph) (Extern)
Factors influencing in-hospital prescribing errors
Rashudy F. Mahomedradja; Michiel Schinkel; Kim C. E. Sigaloff; Michael O. Reumerman; René H. J. Otten; Jelle Tichelaar (Lector); Michiel A. van Agtmael
How does job meaningfulness prevent surface acting through positive emotions?
Louise Theresa Birke (Student); Daphne Dekker (Begeleider)
Botanic Sanctuary Antwerp
Pepijn Keltering (Student); Pacheco Lopez (Begeleider)
Assisted natural recovery
Hylkema, A. (Lid Lectoraat); Debrot, A.O.; Pas, E.E. van de (Student); Osinga, R.; Murk, A.J.
Facilitating and motivating factors for reporting reprehensible conduct in care: A study among nurse practitioners and physician assistants in the Netherlands
Kuilman, Luppo; Jansen, Gerard; Mulder, Leatitia B.; Roodbol, Petrie
A questionnaire to assess rehabilitation patients' experiences with motivational interviewing consultation in the context of physical activity stimulation
Hoekstra, Trynke; Alingh, Rolinde A; de Vries, Hendrik S; Bes, Rik; Hoekstra, Femke; van der Schans, Cees P (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Dekker, Rienk; Hettinga, Florentina J; van der Woude, Lucas H V
Improving the participation of adults with visual and severe or profound intellectual disabilities: a process evaluation of a new intervention
Hanzen, Gineke; van Nispen, Ruth M A; Vlaskamp, Carla; Korevaar, E.L.; Waninge, Aly (Participation And Health Of Persons With Intellectual And Visual Disabilities); van der Putten, Annette A J
Andere ouders als bron van steun
Remmelink, Linde E.; Leijten, Patty; Veldboer, Lex (Lectoraat Stedelijk Sociaal Werk)