Zocht je misschien: farming?
Participatory event with Sociaalruimtelijk transitiemanagement master students and local professionals
Psarra, Ifigeneia; de Zwart, Bart; Roos, Berit Ann; Maccow, Delano
Between experiments leveraging prototypes to trigger articulate and share informal knowledge: case of the cities of things living lab
T.J. Jaskiewicz; I. Smit
Health and well-being during the pandemic
Besselink, D (Healthy Ageing & Public Health); Schaap, F; Geelen, Sven Jacobus Gertruda (Functional Recovery And Quality Of Life After Burns); van der Lucht, F (Healthy Ageing & Public Health); Sealy, M J (Malnutrition And Healthy Ageing); Jager-Wittenaar, H (Malnutrition And Healthy Ageing); Finnema, E J
Finding common ground
Doornik, T.J. van; Jung, M.P.S.; Loon-Steensma, J.M. van (Lector)
Decisional Conflict in Patients with Advanced Laryngeal Carcinoma: A Multicenter Study
Heirman, Anne N.; de Kort, Daan P.; Petersen, Japke F.; Al-Mamgani, Abrahim; Eerenstein, Simone E.J.; de Kleijn, Bertram J.; Hoebers, Frank; Tijink, Bernard M.; Stuiver, Martijn M. (Lectoraat Functioneel Herstel Bij Kanker); van der Molen, Lisette; Dirven, Richard; Halmos, Gyorgy B.; van den Brekel, Michiel W.M.
Implementing Product-Service System Business Models in the Building and Construction Sector
Mattijssen, Philippe; Johannes, Koos (Lectoraat Ondernemerschap); Wakkee, Ingrid (Centre For Economic Transformation (Cet))
Exploring the problem-solution space for impact-driven collaborative public-private innovation networks
A. Greco; F.T.H.M. Berkers; A. Kerstens
Indiandribble: how can indiandribble market their rental spaces and adapt their business model to ensure efficiency and profitability of their rental services?
Josje Irankunda (Student); Kjersti Ehrie (Docent); Bernard Polet (Begeleider)