Zocht je misschien: feelings?
Worry as Important “Feelers” in Clinical Anesthesia Practice: A Mixed-Methods Study
Noa Robben; Angelique Dierick-van Daele; Arthur Bouwman; Franciscus van Loon
Built Environment Influences on Emotional State Loneliness among Young Adults during Daily Activities: An Experience Sampling Approach
Pauline van den Berg (Onderzoeker); Dominique Gijsbers (Onderzoeker); Astrid Kemperman
The relationship between fear of missing out, digital technology use, and psychological well-being: a scoping review of conceptual and empirical issues
E. Groenestein; L.M. Willemsen; G.M. van Koningsbruggen; H. Ket; P. Kerkhof
Special: Master Vaktherapie symposium 'Feeling good'!
Suzanne Haeyen (Lector); Jim van Os
Een goed gevoel dankzij 'Feeling good'!
Suzanne Haeyen (Lector); Jim van Os
Medication shortages
Nova, S. van (Student); Rodenboog, J.
Syria, the Homeland. Feeling at Home in Rotterdam?
Barbara van der Ent (Lid Lectoraat)
Navigating loneliness: the interplay of social relationships and coping skills
Eric Schoenmakers; Eric Schoenmakers; Tina ten Bruggencate
Navigating loneliness: the interplay of social relationships and coping skills
Eric Schoenmakers; Eric Schoenmakers; Tina ten Bruggencate
Supporting Teachers To Identify And Address Inequality Of Opportunity By Playing A Serious Game
Koffeman, André (Faculteit Onderwijs En Opvoeding (Foo)); Snijders-Blok, Dymphna (Bestuursstaf); Stavenga, Wybe; Rusbach, Birgit; Meelker, Jetske