Zocht je misschien: fisheries?
River imaginaries and climate change adaptation in fishermen, farmers' communities and modellers
de Jong, Lotte
Testing the effectiviness of two methods for selectively trapping lionfish and estimating the feasibilty of a commercial lionfish fishery on Saba
Brokke, T. (Student); Veldman, R. (Student); Eerbeek, J. van; Heemstra, M.L.C.
Piotr Kalbarczyk (Student)
Games for the optimal deployment of Security Forces
Corine Maartje Laan
Potential of Camera Monitoring for classifying and counting fish species
Patrick David Deitelzweig Senior (Student); Anne Oele (Begeleider); Ben Griffioen (Begeleider); Bram Verkruysse (Begeleider)
Dams and the livelihoods of local communities : a research on the indirect impacts of the hydroelectric dam Belo Monte on the income, alimentation, and environment of fishermen families and Indigenous communities of the Middle region of the Xingu River
Boer, M. de (Student); Duijk, E. van
Belo Monte and the local dependency on ornamental fish : impact of hydroelectric dam Belo Monte in the Xingu River on ornamental fish species, local fishermen and local traders
Diemont, R. (Student); Duijl, E. van
Belo Monte and the livelihoods of local communities
Boer, M. de (Student); Duijl, E. van
An analysis of the German Brown shrimp fishery MSC certification process
Röttgers, K. (Student); Schuhn, A. (Student); Jager, L.C.; Goldsborough, D.G.
The voice of the fishermen : understanding the fishermen community in Kalibaru village, North Jakarta
Muharamiah, M.S. (Student); Witteveen, L.