Optimal Dosing and Timing of High-Dose Corticosteroid Therapy in Hospitalized Patients With COVID-19
Daenen, Katrijn; Huijben, Jilske A; Boyd, Anders; Bos, Lieuwe D J; Stoof, Sara C M; van Willigen, Hugo; Gommers, Diederik A M P J; Moeniralam, Hazra S; den Uil, Corstiaan A; Juffermans, Nicole P; Kant, Merijn; Valkenburg, Abraham J; Pillay, Janesh; van Meenen, David M P; Paulus, Frederique (Lectoraat Critical Care); Schultz, Marcus J; Dalm, Virgil A S H; van Gorp, Eric C M; Schinkel, Janke; Endeman, Henrik
Effect of lung ultrasound-guided fluid deresuscitation on duration of ventilation in intensive care unit patients (CONFIDENCE)
Blok, Siebe G.; Mousa, Amne; Brouwer, Michelle G.; de Grooth, Harm-Jan; Neto, Ary Serpa; Blans, Michiel J.; den Boer, Sylvia; Dormans, Tom; Endeman, Henrik; Roeleveld, Timo; Scholten, Harm; van Slobbe-Bijlsma, Eline R.; Scholten, Erik; Touw, Hugo; van der Ven, Fleur Stefanie L. I. M.; Wils, Evert-Jan; van Westerloo, David J.; Heunks, Leo M. A.; Schultz, Marcus J.; Paulus, Frederique (Lectoraat Critical Care); Tuinman, Pieter R.
Bundled care in acute kidney injury in critically ill patients, a before-after educational intervention study
Koeze, Jacqueline; van der Horst, Iwan C C; Wiersema, Renske; Keus, Frederik; Cox, Eline G M; Zijlstra, Jan G; van Meurs, Matijs; Dieperink, Willem
Accuracy of burn size assessment prior to arrival in Dutch burn centres and its consequences in children
Baartmans, M G A; van Baar, M E; Boxma, H; Dokter, J; Tibboel, D; Nieuwenhuis, M K (Functional Recovery And Quality Of Life After Burns)
Increased B-type natriuretic peptide and decreased proteinuria might reflect decreased capillary leakage and is associated with a better outcome in patients with severe burns
de Leeuw, Karina; Nieuwenhuis, Marianne K (Functional Recovery And Quality Of Life After Burns); Eshuis, Hans; Beerthuizen, Gerard I J M; Janssen, Wilbert M; Niemeijer, Anuschka
Effect of training in the Emergency Management of Severe Burns on the knowledge and performance of emergency care workers as measured by an online simulated burn incident
Breederveld, Roelf S; Nieuwenhuis, Marianne K (Functional Recovery And Quality Of Life After Burns); Tuinebreijer, Wim E; Aardenburg, Brigit