Zocht je misschien: additive, additieven?
Maximizing the taste perception of instant vegan soup powders using natural taste enhancers
Maria Paula de Mey (Student)
Consumer distrust about E-numbers
Gunst, A. van (Docent); Roodenburg, A.J.C. (Lector)
Green extraction of anthocyanins with natural deep eutectic solvents
Kulchenko, Yaroslava; van Haren, R.J.F.; Deineka, V.I.
A marketing plan for Panera Bread to succeed in the Netherlands
Marlou van Paridon (Begeleider); Fleur Krimpenfort (Student)
Isolation and characterization of the viscous, high-molecular-mass microbial carbohydrate fraction from faeces of healthy subjects and patients with Crohn's disease and the consequences for a therapeutic approach
Ruseler-van Embden, J G; Van Lieshout, L M; Binnema, D J; Hazenberg, M P