Use of Aureobasidium in a sustainable economy
Rensink, (Stephanie) (Onderzoeker); Sailer, (Michael) (Onderzoeker); Wösten, A.B. (Han) (Extern); Struck, (Christian) (Lector); Nieuwenhuijzen, (Elke) van (Onderzoeker)
Hereditary cancer
Femke Christenhusz (Student)
Creating Caring and Just Democratic Schools to Prevent Extremism
de Ruyter, Doret; Sieckelinck, Stijn (Lectoraat Youth Spot)
Effectiveness and experiences of the SMILES' Workshops
E. I. (Elke) Müller (Onderzoeker); Anne-Katelijne Rotteveel (Onderzoeker)
Feral Drifting with Lonja Wetlands: Fragments of More-than-Human Cohabitation
Dolejšová, Markéta; Hee-jeong Choi, Jaz (Lectoraat Civic Interaction Design); Botero, Andrea; Chewie; Mitrović, Ivica; Roth, Mia; Čerina, Tonči
Algorithm curation and the emergence of filter bubbles
Fuckner, Marcio (Lectoraat Responsible It); Bašić, Suzana (Faculteit Digitale Media En Creatieve Industrie (Fdmci)); Wiggers, Pascal (Lectoraat Responsible It)
Temperature fluctuations and concrete pavements
Lex van Aartsen (Student); Pieter Romijn (Docent); Christophe Egyed (Begeleider)
The networks of entrepreneurs shaping the business networks of students
Alvarado Valenzuela, JuanFra (Lectoraat Ondernemerschap); Martens, Jeanne; Wakkee, Ingrid (Kenniscentrum Fbe)
Unravelling workplace educators’ judgment processes when assessing students’ performance at the workplace
Marlies de Vos (Onderzoeker); Liesbeth Baartman (Lector); Cees van der Vleuten (Onderzoeker); Elly de Bruijn (Lector)
Structural equation modeling reveals determinants of fitness in a cooperatively breeding bird
Busana, M.; Weissing, F.J.; Hammers, M.