Social Impact Evaluation Report: Audience Feedback on the 5th of May Rijksmuseum ‘Vrijheidsmaaltijd’ Connection Through Dialogue Extra Programming
Cristina Jiménez Peralta
Implementing effective influencer marketing
Rowan van den Bosch (Student); Joeri Hoek (Begeleider); C. van der Wel (Begeleider); Frank Peeters (Begeleider)
Insights in the way safety can be improved for transgender asylum seekers: a study focused on increasing safety for transgender people in asylum seekers centres, which could lead to a better well-being of the target group
van der Wal, Marte (Student); Gunduz, M.
Environmental education in the Netherlands
Kinga Feenstra (Student); Marije A. Minkman
The future of promising television content is stuck in a rigid system of traditional stakeholders
W.B. van Dam (Begeleider); Valery Kas (Student)