Injury risk in Ski Cross
Willemijn Wortelboer (Student); Onur Tezel (Begeleider); Herre Faber (Begeleider)
Transcending the Genders!
Graaf, J.W. (Jan Willem) de (Lector)
Do We Hold Males and Females to the Same Standard?
Evelyn Klein Haneveld; Dylan Molenaar; Vivienne de Vogel (Lector); Wineke Smid; Jan Kamphuis
Why has the implementation of UNSCR 1325(2000) on taking a stand for Women, Peace, and Security by the Netherlands and Italy failed to provide the desired results?
Manon Wiersema (Student); M. (Mihaela) Anghel (Begeleider)
What teaching methods do teachers use to support learning in gender-segregated classrooms?
Cheyenne Fernandez Cano; Marcel Haagsma; Vanessa Armstrong
Relationship between gait pattern and shock absorption capacity
Nasrine Feham (Student); Tim Gerbrands (Begeleider)
Expectations about Fertility and Field of Study among Adolescents: A Case of Self-selection?
Keijer, Micha G.; Liefbroer, Aart C.; Nagel, Ineke
The "Brown Bag Lunch"
Teana Boston-Mammah (Lid Lectoraat); Nana Adusei-Poku (Lid Lectoraat)
Associations between Body Mass Index, Body Fat Percentage and Physical Fitness in First Year Physiotherapy Students
Steven Onkelinx (Begeleider); Marius van Roosmalen (Student)
The effects of prior education and engagement on success in engineering studies: do women and men differ?
Kamphorst, Jan; Hofman, Adriaan; Jansen, Ellen; Terlouw, Cees