Development of a value-based healthcare burns core set for adult burn care
Spronk, I; van Uden, D; Lansdorp, C A; van Dammen, L; van Gemert, R; Visser, I; Versluis, G; Wanders, H; Geelen, S J G (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Verwilligen, R A F; van der Vlegel, M; Bijker, G C; Heijblom, M C; Fokke-Akkerman, M; Stoop, M; van Baar, M E; Nieuwenhuis, M K (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Pijpe, A; van Schie, C M H; Gardien, K L M; Lucas, Y; Snoeks, A; Scholten-Jaegers, S M H J; Meij-de Vries, A; Haanstra, T M; Weel-Koenders, A E A M; Wood, F M; Edgar, D W; Bosma, E; Middelkoop, E; van der Vlies, C H; van Zuijlen, P P M
Effect of telemonitoring and telerehabilitation on physical activity, exercise capacity, health-related quality of life and healthcare use in patients with chronic lung diseases or COVID-19
Sanchez-Ramirez, Diana C; Pol, Margriet (Lectoraat Ergotherapie - Participatie En Omgeving); Loewen, Hal; Choukou, Mohamed-Amine
Patients with and Without COVID-19 in the Intensive Care Unit
Cijs, Bastiaan; Valkenet, Karin; Heijnen, Germijn; Visser-Meily, J M Anne; Van Der Schaaf, Marike (Lectoraat Revalidatie In De Acute Zorg)
A scoping review of observed benefits of Developmental Transformations (DvT)
Nisha Sajnani (Onderzoeker); Marc Willemsen (Onderzoeker); Jason Butler (Onderzoeker)
Wearable-Measured Sleep and Resting Heart Rate Variability as an Outcome of and Predictor for Subjective Stress Measures
de Vries, Herman J; Pennings, Helena J M; van der Schans, Cees P (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Sanderman, Robbert; Oldenhuis, Hilbrand K E (Digital Transformation); Kamphuis, Wim
Physical, social, mental and spiritual functioning of COVID-19 intensive care unit-survivors and their family members one year after intensive care unit-discharge
Onrust, Marisa; Visser, Anja; van Veenendaal, Nadine; Dieperink, Willem; Luttik, Marie Louise (Family Care); Derksen, Mechteld-Hanna G.; van der Voort, Peter H. J.; van der Meulen, Ingeborg C.
Stromal vascular fraction-enriched fat grafting as treatment of adherent scars
Vriend, Linda; van Dongen, Joris A; Pijpe, Anouk; Nieuwenhuis, Marianne K. (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Jongen, Sandra J.M.; Harmsen, Martin C; van Zuilen, Paul P.M.; van der Lei, Berend
The effect of a more community-oriented curriculum on nursing students’ intervention choice in community care: A quasi-experimental cohort study
van Iersel, Margriet; de Vos, Rien; van Rijn, Marjon (Centre Of Expertise Urban Vitality); Latour, Corine H.M. (Lectoraat Geïntegreerde Complexe Zorg); Kirschner, Paul A.; Scholte op Reimer, Wilma J.M.
Translating Promoting Factors and Behavior Change Principles Into a Blended and Technology-Supported Intervention to Stimulate Physical Activity in Children With Asthma (Foxfit): Design Study
Brons, Annette; Braam, Katja; Broekema, Aline; Timmerman, Annieck; Millenaar, Karel; Engelbert, Raoul (Centre Of Expertise Urban Vitality); Kröse, Ben (Faculteit Digitale Media En Creatieve Industrie (Fdmci)); Visser, Bart (Centre Of Expertise Urban Vitality)
Hydrosurgical and conventional debridement of burns
HyCon Study Group