The impact of summative, formative or programmatic assessment on the Dutch National Pharmacotherapy assessment
Erik M. Donker (Lid Lectoraat); Floor van Rosse; Ben J.A. Janssen; Wilma Knol; Glenn Dumont; Jeroen van Smeden; Roya Atiqi; Marleen H. M. Hessel; Milan C. Richir; Michiel A. van Agtmael; Cornelis Kramers; Jelle Tichelaar (Lector)
Impact of a patient and family participation education program on hospital nurses' attitudes and competencies
van Oort, Peter; Maaskant, Jolanda; Luttik, Marie Louise (Family Care); Eskes, Anne
Onderwijstaken door studentassistenten
Dekker, Izaak (Lectoraat Didactiek Van De Bètavakken); Thurlings, Marieke; Delnoij, Laurie; Van der Veen, Jan
Effectiveness of Teaching & Learning Practices in Finance for International Business Students
Grabovets, Kateryna
The essential factors in higher education
Laitinen-Väänänen, S.; Parjanen, S.; Hyypiä, M.; Cattaneo, A.; Jong, F.P.C.M. de (Lector)
Collaborating for co-researching: A multi-stakeholder case narrative of student nurses co-researching technology-supported care
Shaun Cardiff; Shaun Cardiff; Teatske van der Zijpp; Hélène van den Nieuwenhoff; Marianne Nieboer; Marianne Nieboer
IGNITION Digital Literacy Agenda
van Oostrom, Madelon (Digital Transformation); Karabulut, Nejla; Teufel, Andreas; Brett, Valerie; Egharevba, Joel; Machado, Ana Margarida; Silva, Diana; Costa, Cláudia; van Grol, Autumn
Friend and Foe. An Analysis of Expert Advice on Educating for Data Literacy in Journalism and the Creative Industries
Joke Hermes (Lector); Natalia Berger (Onderzoeker)
The Use of Self-regulation Strategies and Interactional Methods in Blended Learning Environments
Eggers, Jan Hein (Faculteit Digitale Media En Creatieve Industrie (Fdmci)); Oostdam, Ron; Voogt, Joke; Zijlstra, Bonne J.H.