Generation Z: attracting and recruiting in DSK Bank
Boyana Petkova (Student); Etienne Veldhuis (Docent); Gabriela Dzhezayryan (Begeleider)
Bvlgari France
Camille Le Bas (Student); Rob Jeffery (Docent); Vanessa Yazbek (Docent); Gaël Durand (Begeleider)
Sustainable consumption and behaviour toward farming methods
Lauren de Boer (Student); Stefania Ntregka (Begeleider)
Sustainable Consumption and Behaviour toward Farming Methods
Lauren de Boer (Student); Stefania Ntregka (Begeleider); Visser de Amundson (Begeleider)
Botanic Sanctuary Antwerp
Pepijn Keltering (Student); Pacheco Lopez (Begeleider)
Unveiling the path to millenials hearts: "what are the most effective strategies for creating awareness among the millenials for hospitaltiy startups?
Isabelle Kirkels (Student); Fabian Fagel (Begeleider)
Consumer behaviour information at Van Spronsen & Partners
Florentine Puts (Begeleider); Andriew Liam (Begeleider)
Active Tourism in Abruzzo
Lucia Del Rosario (Student); Andriew Lim (Begeleider); Jeroen Bosman (Begeleider)
How The End-to-End Customer Experience bridges the relationship between signalling and trust in online shopping.
Cécile Sternel (Student); David Branon (Begeleider)
Consumer Behaviour of Poshtel guests in Costa Rica
Tim Loth (Student); Andriew Lim (Begeleider)