Zocht je misschien: identify?
Developing an interprofessional identity complementary to a professional identity - findings related to Extended Professional Identity Theory (EPIT)
Reinders, Jan-Jaap (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Kolcu, Giray; Baser Kolcu, Inci
Who am I now? A scoping review on identity changes in post-stroke aphasia
R. Brinkman; C.A.M. Neijenhuis; M. Cardol; C. Leget
Professionele en Interprofessionele Identiteit van de V&V student: leuke bijzaak?
van der Weerd, Lourens
The Impact of Social Media on Consumers’ Identity-Formation Processes
Almeida Betancor, Carla (Student); von Maltzahn, Constantin; Mossinkoff, Marco
Creating Caring and Just Democratic Schools to Prevent Extremism
de Ruyter, Doret; Sieckelinck, Stijn (Lectoraat Youth Spot)
Aansluiten bij bestaand vertrouwen
Fred Zoller (Onderzoeker); Oda Kok (Onderzoeker)
Ultimately, reflective professionals ask existential questions
Edwin van der Zande (Onderzoeker); Cok Bakker (Lector)
Fase 5 Interprofessionele identiteit
Reinders, Jan-Jaap (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Pype, Peter
Interprofessional collaboration and professional nurse identity
Drenth, Hans; van der Weerd, Lourens
Identity in sustainablity transitions
Besamusca-Janssen, M.; Beers, P.J. (Lector); Mierlo, B. van