Zocht je misschien: inductive?
The Effects of the PLAYTOD Program on Children’s Physical Activity at Preschool Playgrounds in a Deprived Urban Area: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Toussaint, Nicole; Streppel, Martinette T. (Lectoraat Voeding En Beweging); Mul, Sandra; Fukkink, Ruben G. (Kenniscentrum Onderwijs En Opvoeding); Weijs, Peter J.M. (Lectoraat Voeding En Beweging); Janssen, Mirka (Kenniscentrum Bewegen, Sport En Voeding)
Disentangling physical activity and sedentary behavior patterns in children with low motor competence
Dave Van Kann; Anouk Adank; Martin van Dijk; Teun Remmers; Steven Vos
Fit for play
Meijburg, Heleen; Folkerts, Jef; Degens, Nick; Elbæk, Lars; Majgaard, Gunver; Valente, Andrea; Khalid, Saifuddin
Suitable and sustainable health game development through Concept Mapping
Brons, A.; Braam, K.I.; Timmerman, A.X.C.; Broekema, A. (Centre Of Expertise Urban Vitality); Visser, B. (Centre Of Expertise Urban Vitality); Altenburg, T.M.; Chinapaw, M.J.M.; Engelbert, R.H.H. (Centre Of Expertise Urban Vitality); Kröse, B.
Sport, Physical Education and Coaching in Health (SPEACH)
de Jong, Johan (Healthy Lifestyle, Sports And Physical Activity); Kubbinga, Chris; Selker, Jacqueline; Leistra, Simon (Sports Science); Pruim, Arjan (Sports Science)
Active living
Wiggers, Hiske; Shokoohi, Roya
Increasing the number of members for one of KNGU's most valued disciplines : preschool gymnastics
Nathalie van den Beemt (Student); C. Wood-Oostveen (Begeleider)
Translating the PLAYgrounds program into practice
Janssen, Mirka (Kenniscentrum Bewegen, Sport En Voeding); Toussaint, Huub M.; van Mechelen, Willem; A.L.M. Verhagen, Evert
Extremes in vitamin K status of bone are related to bone ultrasound properties in children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis
van Summeren, M J H; Vermeer, C; Engelbert, R H H; Schurgers, L J; Takken, T; Fischer, K; Kuis, W
Responsiveness of exercise parameters in children with inflammatory myositis
Takken, Tim; van der Net, Janjaap; Engelbert, Raoul H. H.; Pater, Suzanne; Helders, Paul J. M.