Zocht je misschien: infant?
Parents' information needs during the first year at home with their very premature born child; a qualitative study
Flierman, Monique (Faculteit Gezondheid); Bossen, Daniel (Lectoraat Oefentherapie); de Boer, Rosa; Vriend, Eline; van Nes, Fenna; van Kaam, Anton; Engelbert, Raoul (Centre Of Expertise Urban Vitality); Jeukens-Visser, Martine
Taalontwikkeling van jonge kinderen
Luinge, Margreet
Taalontwikkeling van jonge kinderen
Luinge, Margreet
Feasibility of a Dutch post-discharge parenting intervention (TOP program) for moderate preterm born infants
Flierman, Monique (Faculteit Gezondheid); Möller, Eline L.; Engelbert, Raoul H.H. (Centre Of Expertise Urban Vitality); van Kaam, Anton H.; Bossen, Daniël (Lectoraat Oefentherapie); Jeukens-Visser, Martine
Increasing trends in a low 5-min Apgar score among (near) term singletons: a Dutch nationwide cohort study
C.E. Tacke; W. Onland; P.C.A.M. Bakker; F. Groenendaal; A.N. Rosman; L. Broeders; J.V. Been; A.C.J. Ravelli
General acceptance of goat milk infant formula
Raamsteeboers, T. (Student); Schipper, K.
The Italian Market of Plant-Based Infant Formula
Miller, S. (Student); Akkermans, C.
Development and evaluation of a fidelity tool in a post-discharge responsive parenting intervention program for very preterm born children
Flierman, Monique; Vriend, Eline; Leemhuis, Aleid G.; Engelbert, Raoul H.H. (Centre Of Expertise Urban Vitality); Jeukens-Visser, Martine
Step by Step
Imke Suir (Onderzoeker)
Infants in Dutch daycare: Exploring fine-grained dimensions of temperament
Fukkink, Ruben G. (Kenniscentrum Onderwijs En Opvoeding)