Factors influencing REducing Delay through edUcation on eXacerbations (REDUX) implementation
Xiaoyue Song; Cynthia Hallensleben; Haibo Wang; Jun Guo; Weihong Zhang; Hongxia Shen; Robbert Gobbens (Lector); Niels H. Chavannes; Anke Versluis
The effects of mHealth in geriatric rehabilitation on health status: A systematic review
Loes Oostrik (Onderzoeker); Marije Holstege (Onderzoeker); J.L. (Jorit) Meesters (Lector); Wilco Achterberg (Onderzoeker); Eléonore F. van Dam van Isselt (Onderzoeker)
Effects of a workplace participatory approach to support working caregivers in balancing work, private life and informal care : a randomized controlled trial
Voss, EE; van der Beek, AJ; de Bruin, SR (Lector); Proper, KI
The challenges of evidence-based prehabilitation in a real-life context for patients preparing for colorectal surgery - a cohort study and multiple case analysis
Talen, Daniëlle (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Meeteren, Nico (L.U.) van; Barten, Di-Janne; Pereboom, I.; Krijnen, Wim (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Jager-Wittenaar, Harriët (Malnutrition And Healthy Ageing); Bongers, Bart; van der Sluis, Geert (Functioneren En Participeren Rondom Ziekenhuisopnames)
Co-creating a person-centered creative engagement intervention for Parkinson's care
Bianca T.M. Spee; Thieme Stap; Marjoke Plijnaer; Gert Pasman; Sara Zeggio; Annelien A. Duits; Julia Crone; Suzanne Haeyen; Matthew Pelowski; Bastiaan R. Bloem; Jan-Jurjen Koksma
Implementing a workplace participatory approach to support working caregivers in balancing their work, private life and informal care : results of a process evaluation
Eline E. Vos; Simone R. de Bruin (Lector); Allard J. van der Beek; Denise J.M. Smit; Karin I. Proper
Exploring the impact of near-peer role modeling on learners’ basic psychological needs
Hooper, Daniel; Egitim, Soyhan; Hofhuis, Joep (Lectoraat Collaborative Innovation And Entrepreneurship)
Cost-effectiveness of the SMILE intervention compared with usual care for people with severe mental illness
Mohamed El Alili; Berno van Meijel (Lector); Maurits W. van Tulder; Marcel C. Adriaanse
Exploring opportunities and challenges for the spread, scale-up and sustainability of mobile health apps for self-management of patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in the Netherlands: A Citizen Science Approach
Siebrand, (Egbert) (Onderzoeker); Leersum, C.M. (Catharina ) van (Extern); Bults, (Marloes) (Onderzoeker); Olthuis, T.J.J. (Theodorus ) (Extern); Ouden, (Marjolein) den (Lector); Bekhuis, R.E.M. (Robin ) (Extern); Konijnendijk, A.A.J. (Annemieke ) (Extern)
De diepte bereiken: Toekomstgericht begeleiden van jongvolwassenen in de langdurige zorg
Martine Noordegraaf (Lector); Gerda van den Berg-van Haaften (Docent); Arie Hordijk (Docent); Willemieke Kroeze (Lector)