Learning environments for multi-stakeholder participation in water management
Fliervoet, J.M. (Lector); Witteveen, L.M. (Lector); Roosmini, D.; Geerling, G.; Nastiti, A.; Mansoor, A.
‘New’ Dutch Civic Integration: learning ‘Spontaneous Compliance’ to address inherent difference
Blankvoort, Nadine (Centre Of Expertise Urban Vitality); Laliberte Rudman, Debbie; van Hartingsveldt, Margo (Lectoraat Ergotherapie - Participatie En Omgeving); Krumeich, Anja
‘New’ Dutch Civic Integration: learning ‘Spontaneous Compliance’ to address inherent difference
Blankvoort, Nadine (Lectoraat Ergotherapie - Participatie En Omgeving); Laliberte Rudman, Debbie; van Hartingsveldt, Margo (Lectoraat Ergotherapie - Participatie En Omgeving); Krumeich, Anja
The Mathematisation of society
Kees Hoogland (Lector); Javier Diez-Palomar (Onderzoeker)
Institutionally embedded research
R. M. (Robert) Duiveman (Associate Lector)
Making sense of the data
Buatois, Americ; Bons, Pieter (Faculteit Techniek (Ft))
Mediating Knowledge
Bjorn Beijnon (Onderzoeker)
The ethics of hybrid subjects: feminist constructivism according to Donna Haraway
dr. B. (Baukje) Prins (Lector)