Exploring Whether Ventilated ICU Patients Were in Optimal Nutritional Status Regarding Energy and Protein Requirements
Paans, Wolter (Advance Care Planning); Dieperink, Willem; Groenboom, Rix (New Business & Ict); Dijkhuis, Talko (New Business & Ict); Franke, Hildegard
In Circles: Performance. Philosophy. Animals. Equality
Laura Cull O Maoilearca (Lector)
Mediated Contact with LGBTQ Characters
Żerebecki, Bartosz G.; Opree, Suzanna J.; Hofhuis, Joep (Lectoraat Collaborative Innovation And Entrepreneurship)
Reasoning about self and others: A dynamic process
Geveke, Carla (Youth, Education And Society); Veenker, Herman; Steenbeek, Henderien (Youth, Education And Society)
Betwixt and between: A systematic review on the role of ambivalence in environmental behaviours
Van Gent, Marije J. (Lectoraat Psychologie Voor Een Duurzame Stad); Onwezen, Marleen C.; Renes, Reint Jan (Lectoraat Psychologie Voor Een Duurzame Stad); Handgraaf, Michel
Oxidative Modifications of Proteins and Lipids of Dried Semen, Urine, and Saliva Stains as a Function of Age in Forensic Context
Achetib, Nihad; Otto, Rosa E.; Aalders, Maurice C. G.; van Dam, Annemieke (Lectoraat Forensisch Onderzoek)
Circular economy, people, and ecology : a case for just transition, inclusive and regenerative business models
Kees Klomp; Antony Otieno Ong'ayo; Gertjan van Stam (Lid Lectoraat)
Techno-Economic Assessment of Battery Systems for PV-Equipped Households with Dynamic Contracts:
Dam, Marion (System Integration In The Energy Transition); van der Laan, Marten (System Integration In The Energy Transition)
What makes audiences resilient to disinformation?
Kont, Jülide (Communication, Behaviour & Sustainable Society); Elving, Wim (Communication For Sustainability); Broersma, Marcel; Bozdağ, Çiğdem
Sustainability evaluation of plant-based beverages and semi-skimmed milk incorporating nutrients, market prices, and environmental costs
Jong, P. de (Lector); Woudstra, F.S. (Onderzoeker); Wijk, A.N. van (Onderzoeker)