A structured process framework for digital servitization
N.A. Kerstholt; B. Rietdijk; F.T.H.M. Berkers
Digitale innovatie: het gat in het ERP en andere hiaten
A.J.C. van Kollenburg; C.J.M. Ridder; J.E. Pons
The self-production economy
P. Troxler
Identifying and managing paradoxes in Collaborative Sustainable Business Models: empirical evidence from circularity initiatives in high-tech manufacturing
F.T.H.M. Berkers; N. el Maanni; L. Liebrecht; E. Kersten
Enhancing water resistance of geopolymer concrete using biobased materials
Andrea Iannello (Student); Tina Suvorov (Docent); Marianna Ansiliero de Oliveira Coelho (Begeleider)
Potential for collaboration of Verkehrswendestadt activists with Volkswagen Wolfsburg employees
Stöckl, H. (Student); Schoemaker, A.J.
Endotoxin method for pharmaceutical products according to “Good Manufacturing Practices” (GMP) rules
Iris Gülcher (Student)
PATS#424110 Comprehensive Multidimensional GC and Pyrolysis-GC/MS for the Analysis of Integrated Circuit Package Materials
Teunis Hendrikus Scholten (Student)
HAN Lean Event 2024-01-25
Vincent Wiegel; Stef Tiggeloven (Lid Lectoraat); Menno Herkes (Lid Lectoraat); Mitchell van Roij (Lid Lectoraat); Meike Froklage (Lid Lectoraat); Peter van Buuren; Marcella Hoogeboom; Bart Snijders
Seminar Integraal Continu Verbeteren 2022-11-16
Jannes Slomp; Wilfred Knol; Dirk van Goubergen; Katie Anderson; Isao Yoshino