Structural design and material comparison for aircraft wing box beam panel
Korba, Peter; Al-Rabeei, Samer; Hovanec, Michal; Sekelová, Ingrid; Kale, Utku (Lectoraat Aviation Engineering)
A Novel, Non-Contact NDT Scanner Case Study: Thickness Measurement, Debonding and Defects Detection in Metallic and Composite Parts
Volker, Arno; Stamoulis, Konstantinos P (Lectoraat Aviation Engineering); Schoemaker, Christiaan (Faculteit Techniek (Ft)); Apostolidis, Asteris (Kenniscentrum Techniek); van Tongeren, Donald; Poppe, Robert; Bekkema, Bart; Martina, Quincy
Six inertial measurement unit‑based components describe wheelchair mobility performance during wheelchair tennis matches
Thomas Rietveld (Onderzoeker); Riemer J.K. Vegter (Onderzoeker); Rienk van der Slikke (Onderzoeker); Aldo E. Hoekstra (Onderzoeker); L.H.V. van der Woude (Onderzoeker); S. (Sonja) de Groot (Onderzoeker)
Reviewing the n-gap in livestock manure systems
Neysari, P.; Vries, J.W. de (Associate Lector); Ogink, N.W.M.; Amon, B.; Groot Koerkamp, P.W.G.
Investigation of the dynamic inflow effects due to collective and individual pitch steps on a wind tunnel setup
Langidis, A.; Petrovi´c, V.; Mancini, S.; Boorsma, K.; Schepers, Gerard (Wind Energy)
Animals on the levee
Vana Tsimopoulou (Associate Lector)
Automatic electrode switch of salt watcher
Yuyao Tian (Student); Bert Verhage (Docent); Leo Blok (Docent); Jos Goossen (Begeleider)
Using Multiflexmeter system on chip sensor
Feifan Du (Student); Willem Haak (Docent); Connor Reekers (Docent); Jos Goossen (Begeleider)
LoRa multi-step communication
Xianglong Li (Student); Willem Haak (Docent); Bert Verhage (Docent); Jos Goossen (Begeleider)
Vervanging van de programmeerbare functiegenerator Wavetek 75
Willem de Vries (Student)