Tools or toys for healthcare
Zuidhof, (Niek) (Onderzoeker)
Why ethics can no longer be ignored in technology
Jo-An Kamp (Onderzoeker)
Poster technofilosofie outlines at ICTinPractice
Wouter Lancee (Docent); Huub Prüst (Docent); Jo-An Kamp (Onderzoeker)
Media Do Not Exist
Larrue, Jean-Marc; Vitali-Rosati, Marcello
Guiding Young Children’s Digital Media Use: SES-Differences in Mediation Concerns and Competence
Peter Nikken (Lector); Suzanna J. Opree
International mediation in Syria's complex war
Berma Klein Goldewijk
Student perceptions of assessment and student self-efficacy in competence-based education
Dr. Johan Braeken; Dr. Mart van Dinther (Docent); Prof. Dr. Mien Segers; Prof. Dr. Filip Dochy