Do Sanctions Cause Economic Growth Collapses?
Melody Splinter; Jeroen Klomp
Een passende vorm van nazorg bij einde bewind.
Gypsie Melody van Gerwen (Student); Bénédicte Sommerdijk (Begeleider)
The musician in me: a biological perspective
Harris, Robert
Screening op sarcopenie bij patiënten die een heup-/knieoperatie ondergaan
Melody Kwint (Student); Maartje de Groot (Begeleider)
Cerebral activations related to audition-driven performance imagery in professional musicians
Harris, Robert; de Jong, Bauke M.
Instrumental attuning
Harris, Robert; de Jong, B. M.; van Kranenburg, P.
Virtual keyboard playing by lay and expert ears
Harris, Robert; de Jong, Bauke M.
How to play allegro BWV1003 for classical guitar according to baroque standards
Francesco Braggio (Student)
The role of cerebral resonance behavior in the control of music performance
Harris, Robert; de Jong, Bauke M.
The role of cerebral resonance behavior in the control of music performance
Harris, Robert; de Jong, Bauke; Williamon, Aaron; Edwards, Darryl; Bartel, Lee