Destination choices of international students in the Netherlands: A meso-level analysis of higher education institutions and cities
Tijmen Weber; Christof van Mol; Maarten Wolbers
Multilevel design considerations for vocational curricula at the boundary of school and work
Erica Bouw (Lid Lectoraat); Ilya Zitter (Lector); Elly de Bruijn (Lector)
Coaches' view on how to develop shared leadership capacity in youth team sport
van Dalfsen, Gerco (Sports Science); Van Hoecke, Jo; Westerbeek, Hans; De Bosscher, Veerle
Implementation of a patient reported experience measure in a Dutch disability care organisation
Marjolein van Rooijen; Stephanie von Helden-Lenzen (Lid Lectoraat); Ruth Dalemans (Lid Lectoraat); Albine Moser (Lid Lectoraat); Sandra Beurskens (Lector)
Practical guidelines for conducting a situational analysis at meso-level
van Dijck, Egbert-Jan; Heller, Renee (Lectoraat Energie En Innovatie)
Towards a global quality framework for assistive technology service delivery
Renzo Andrich; Gift Norman; Katerina Mavrou; Uta Roentgen (Lid Lectoraat); Ramon Daniels (Lector); Lorenzo Desideri; Brian Donnelli; Anna Kanto-Ronkanen; Luc de Witte (Lector)
An analysis of the multi-level factors affecting the coaching of elite women athletes
Donna de Haan (Lid Lectoraat); Popi Sotiriadou
Gebruiksvriendelijkheid onderzoek websites
Jorinde Versteegh (Student)
Dutch Economic Diplomacy to China
A.A. (Thierry) Aartsen (Student); Yuki S. de Vroomen (Begeleider)
Using Pull Strategy for Curricula Design on Entrepreneurship Education.
Hammer, M.H.M. (Matthijs) (Teacher); Meer, J.D. (Han) van der (Lector)