Tasks and responsibilities of clinical midwives in Dutch hospitals
H.W. Torij; H.J.M. van Heijningen-Tousain; E.M. Wingelaar-Loomans; B. Engeltjes; E.A.P. Steegers; M.J.B.M. Goumans; A.G. Posthumus
Measure to improve: is there a patient-acuity measurement tool suitable for use in maternity service provision in the Netherlands? A systematic review
D.J. Cronie; A.N. Rosman; R. de Vries
Predictors associated with low-risk women’s pre-labour intention for intrapartum pain relief: a cross-sectional study
J.A.C.A. Fontein-Kuipers; A.H.E. van Beeck
The experiential knowledge of migrant women about vulnerability during pregnancy: a woman-centred mixed-methods study
J.A.C.A. Fontein-Kuipers; E. Mestdagh
Evaluating the effect of an educational intervention on student midwife self-efficacy for their role as physiological childbirth advocates
Suzanne Thompson (Onderzoeker); Lisa Kane Low; Luc Budé (Docent); Raymond de Vries (Lector); Marianne Nieuwenhuijze (Lector)
Women’s characteristics and care outcomes of caseload midwifery care in the Netherlands
Pien Offerhaus (Docent); Suze Jans; Chantal Hukkelhoven; Raymond de Vries (Lector); Marianne Nieuwenhuijze (Lector)
The comparison of the interpersonal action component of woman-centred care reported by healthy pregnant women in different sized practices in the Netherlands: a cross-sectional study
J.A.C.A. Fontein-Kuipers; A.H.E. van Beeck; L. van den Berg; M. Dijkhuizen
Detailed registration of care in midwifery practices in the Netherlands
Anneke Pouwels (Lid Lectoraat); Pien Offerhaus (Lid Lectoraat); Astrid Merkx (Lid Lectoraat); Bert Zeegers (Lid Lectoraat); Marianne Nieuwenhuijze (Lector)
Regional variations in childbirth interventions and their correlations with adverse outcomes, birthplace and care provider
Anna E. Seijmonsbergen-Schermers; Dirkje C. Zondag; Marianne Nieuwenhuijze (Lector); Thomas van den Akker; Corine J. Verhoeven; Caroline Geerts; François G. Schellevis; Ank de Jonge