Zocht je misschien: millennials, millennial?
Unveiling the path to millenials hearts: "what are the most effective strategies for creating awareness among the millenials for hospitaltiy startups?
Isabelle Kirkels (Student); Fabian Fagel (Begeleider)
Interest matters: the effects of constructive news reporting on Millennials’ emotions and engagement
Liesbeth Hermans (Lector); Tineke Prins (Lid Lectoraat)
Wat is de behoefte naar kweekvlees onder millenials in Nederland?
Boer, R. de (Student); Dalen, W. van
Millenials and xennials values towards fresh cow's milk and plant-based milk consumption in Leusden, the Netherlands
Roesink, P. (Student); Lourens, S.
Contemporary fashion brands
Yoshka Stooker (Student); J.E. Schröder