Seasonal variation in the balance and strength of cooperative and competitive behavior in patches of blue mussels
Jacob Capelle (Onderzoeker); Eva Hartog (Onderzoeker); Tony Wilkes (Onderzoeker); Tjeerd Bouma (Onderzoeker)
Filamentous Sulphur Bacteria in Lake Markermeer
Luc Kauhl (Student); Alco Nijssen (Docent); Ruurd Noordhuis (Begeleider)
Changes in associated fauna on littoral commercial mussel plots in the Eastern Scheldt
Anneke van den Brink (Begeleider); J. Cohen-Schotanus (Begeleider); B. Schreur (Student); Alco Nijssen (Docent)
Do oysters help mussels against crabs?
Splinter, W. (Student); Bron, P.S.; Meiners, A.C.
Application of a dynamic energy budget model to Mytilus edulis (L.)
Van Haren, RJF; Kooijman, SALM
Cadmium and copper accumulation in the common mussel Mytilus edulis in the Western Scheldt estuary: a model approach
van Haren, RJF; van der Meer, J; de Vries, MB