How Much, What, When, with Whom and Where? a Deeper Understanding of Individual Patterns of Physical Activity Behavior in an Inpatient Rehabilitation Center
A. (Asa) Mennema (Onderzoeker); Aleid de Rooij (Onderzoeker); Karen A. van den Oever (Onderzoeker); Thea Vliet Vlieland (Onderzoeker); J.L. (Jorit) Meesters (Lector)
Driedaagse verkenning van Friluftsliv
van Boeckel, Jan; Selker, Jacqueline; Seelen, Corine
Introduction to Art based Environmental Education Course
van Boeckel, Jan; Amus, Gaye
ClimateCafé: transdisciplinary and international knowledge exchange on climate change adaptation for groundwater recharge
Boogaard, Floris
Introduction to Climate Adaptation
Koning, Joey
Ecocentric education
H.N. (Helen) Kopnina (Lid Lectoraat)
Entrepreneuring a regenerative society
K.A. (Kim) Poldner (Lector)
Linking the missing links
van Boeckel, Jan (Art & Sustainability); Colucci-Gray, Laura; Burnard, Pamela
Ecocentric education
H.N. (Helen) Kopnina (Onderzoeker)
Moving Beyond Innocence: Educating Children in a Post-Nature World
H.N. (Helen) Kopnina (Onderzoeker); Michael D. Sitka-Sage; Sean Blenkinsop; Laura Piersol