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Exploring innovative applications for dredged sediments in the Eastern Scheldt
Hendrik Epping (Student); Sai Divi (Docent); Wietse van de Lageweg (Lector)
Navigating Interactive Story Spaces
Renée van der Nat (Phd); Piet Bakker (Onderzoeker)
Guiding the Visually Impaired through the Environment with Beacons
van der Bie, Joey (Faculteit Digitale Media En Creatieve Industrie (Fdmci)); Visser, Britte; Matsari, Jordy; Singh, Mijnisha; van Hasselt, Timon; Koopman, Jan; Kröse, Ben
Navas, Eduardo
Facilitating the use of recorded lectures: Analysing students' interactions to understand their navigational needs
Pierre Gorissen
Training tools for research
Rico Bloemberg
Advances in Military Navigation Technology
P. J. Oonincx; C.A. Scheele
Analysing agricultural users' patterns of behaviour
Maruster, Laura; Faber, Niels R.; Jorna, Rene J.; van Haren, Rob
A process mining approach to analyse user behaviour
Maruster, Laura; Faber, Niels R.; Jorna, Rene J.; van Haren, Rob J. F.; Cordeiro, J; Filipe, J; Hammoudi, S