Source segregation and treatment of urine and faeces from dairy cattlereduces GHG and NH3 emissions in covered storage
EL Mahdi, J.; Vries, J.W. de (Lector); Gort, G.; Groot Koerkamp, P.W.G.
Bridging multi-stakeholder dialogue about AI systems in the lab: how virtual can we go?
T.S. van der Horst; A. Overdiek; M. Harbers
Scaling-up community-based resource management in Solomon Islands
Ploeg, J. van der (Lector); Sukulu, M.; Govan, H.; Eriksson, H.
Influence of a life phase transition on food routines related to the protein transition
Eltink Cisneros, K. (Student); Veen, E.J.
De behangrolmethode: synthese van ongelijksoortige gegevens in meervoudige gevalsstudies naar weerbarstige praktijkvraagstukken
J.S. Rozendaal; C. Teurlings; N. van den Berg
Alley Up
Danny Ketelaars (Student)
De behangrolmethode
Rozendaal, J.S.; Teurlings, C.; Berg, N. van den (Lector)
The use of extended reality in rehabilitation for patients with acquired brain injury: A scoping review
Loes Bulle-Smid (Lid Lectoraat); Renée van den Heuvel; Wouter Keuning (Lid Lectoraat); Gido Hakvoort (Lid Lectoraat); Ramon Daniels; Fenne Verhoeven (Lid Lectoraat)
Interface guidelines for occupant-centered smart climate control systems
Vera Lange; Jasper Jeurens; Mischa Corsius
Collaborating for co-researching: A multi-stakeholder case narrative of student nurses co-researching technology-supported care
Shaun Cardiff (Onderzoeker); Teatske van der Zijpp (Lector); Hélène van den Nieuwenhoff (Onderzoeker); Marianne Nieboer (Onderzoeker)