Monitoring physical impact and recovery of pancreatic cancer treatment using consumer wearable health data
van der Schans, Cees P (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); van der Schans, Simon; van der Schans, Jurjen; Mylius, Caspar (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Klaase, Joost
Decrease of physical fitness during neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy predicts the risk of pneumonia after esophagectomy
Petra Bor; Feike Kingma; Ad Kerst; Elles Steenhagen; Jelle Ruurda; Richard van Hillegersberg; Karin Valkenet (Lid Lectoraat); Cindy Veenhof (Lector)
Impact of curative treatment on the physical fitness of patients with esophageal cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Elja A.E. Reijneveld (Onderzoeker); Petra Bor (Onderzoeker); Jaap J. Dronkers (Onderzoeker); Núria Argudo (Onderzoeker); Jelle P. Ruurda (Onderzoeker); Cindy Veenhof (Lector)
The association between preoperative fatigue and instrumental activities in daily living with complications and length of hospital stay in patients undergoing colorectal surgery
Agasi-Idenburg, S.C.; Punt, C.J.A; Aaronson, N.K.; Stuiver, M.M. (Faculteit Gezondheid)
Muscle strength is associated with muscle mass in patients with esophageal cancer awaiting surgery
van Egmond, Maarten A. (Lectoraat Fysiotherapie - Transitie Van Zorg Bij Complexe Patiënten); van der Schaaf, Marike; Hagens, Eliza R. C.; van Laarhoven, Hanneke W. M.; van Berge Henegouwen, Mark I; Haverkort, Elizabeth B.; Engelbert, Raoul H. H.; Gisbertz, Suzanne S.
Weerstandstraining gunstige effecten bij (neo)adjuvante therapie [Bespreking van: Padilha CS, Marinello PC, Galvão DA, Newton RU, Borges FH, Frajacomo F, Deminice R. (2017) Evaluation of resistance training to improve muscular strength and body composition in cancer patients undergoing neoadjuvant and adjuvant therapy: a meta-analysis]
van Berkel, D.M. (Lonneke); Stuiver, M.M. (Martijn) (Faculteit Gezondheid)