Conceptualisation and (Meta)modelling of Problem-Solution Chains in Early Business-IT Alignment and System Design
Stijn Hoppenbrouwers (Lector); Mark Mulder; Joris Sunnotel
Discovering operational decisions from data
Sam Leewis (Onderzoeker); Koen Smit (Onderzoeker); Johan Versendaal (Lector)
Teaching Composition in the 21st Century
Marijn Simons (Student); Kathinka Poismans (Begeleider)
Vegetable Bass
Helen Svoboda (Student); Matthias Nowak (Begeleider); Jesse Passenier (Begeleider)
Adoption and implementation of the decision model and notation standard
Ruben Post; Koen Smit; Martijn Zoet (Lector)
Governing roles and responsibilities in a human-machine decision-making context
Koen Smit; Martijn Zoet (Lector)
A verification framework for business rules management in the Dutch Government context
Koen Smit; Martijn Zoet (Lector); Matthijs Berkhout
Introductie Decision Model and Notation (DMN)
Martijn Zoet (Lector); Koen Smit (Lid Lectoraat)
Introductie Decision Model and Notation (DMN)
Martijn Zoet (Lector); Koen Smit (Lid Lectoraat)
Introductie Decision Model and Notation (DMN)
Martijn Zoet (Lector); Koen Smit (Lid Lectoraat)