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Tempo-Team Terneuzen
Mirjam de Jong (Student); Etienne Veldhuis (Docent); Saskia Bakker (Begeleider)
‘New’ Dutch Civic Integration: learning ‘Spontaneous Compliance’ to address inherent difference
Blankvoort, Nadine (Centre Of Expertise Urban Vitality); Laliberte Rudman, Debbie; van Hartingsveldt, Margo (Lectoraat Ergotherapie - Participatie En Omgeving); Krumeich, Anja
The longitudinal relationship between fear of movement and physical activity after cardiac hospitalization
Keessen, Paul (Lectoraat Oefentherapie); Kan, Kees Jan; ter Riet, Gerben; Visser, Bart (Lectoraat Oefentherapie); Jørstad, Harald T.; Latour, Corine H. M. (Lectoraat Geïntegreerde Complexe Zorg); van Duijvenbode, Ingrid C. D. (Lectoraat Oefentherapie); Scholte op Reimer, Wilma J. M.
‘New’ Dutch Civic Integration: learning ‘Spontaneous Compliance’ to address inherent difference
Blankvoort, Nadine (Lectoraat Ergotherapie - Participatie En Omgeving); Laliberte Rudman, Debbie; van Hartingsveldt, Margo (Lectoraat Ergotherapie - Participatie En Omgeving); Krumeich, Anja
Dutch school policies for less sitting and more physical activity in primary schools
Nauta, Joske (Centre Of Expertise Urban Vitality); Schweitzer, Mandy (Centre Of Expertise Urban Vitality); Kat, Ilse (Centre Of Expertise Urban Vitality); Moll, Kirsten (Lectoraat Bewegen In En Om School); Koenders, Kick (Centre Of Expertise Urban Vitality); Janssen, Mirka (Lectoraat Bewegen In En Om School)
LOFIT (Lifestyle front Office For Integrating lifestyle medicine in the Treatment of patients): a novel care model towards community-based options for lifestyle change—study protocol
de Jong, Johan (Healthy Lifestyle, Sports And Physical Activity); Schuling, Rhoda (Healthy Lifestyle, Sports And Physical Activity)
Behavioural Indicators for Teaching and Learning with Technology in Higher Education
Manon van Zanten; Marijke Kral; Dana Uerz; Pieter van Rooij; Hilde Cuppen; Pierre Gorissen
The potential of big data technologies in improving the management of activity-based working
Bol, QD (Quintus) (Student)
Sedentary Behaviour Intervention as a Personalised Secondary Prevention Strategy (SIT LESS) for patients with coronary artery disease participating in cardiac rehabilitation: rationale and design of the SIT LESS randomised clinical trial
B M A van Bakel; S H Kroesen; A Günal; A Scheepmaker; W R M Aengevaeren; F F Willems; R Wondergem (Onderzoeker); M F Pisters (Lector); J Dam; A M Janssen; M de Bruin; M T E Hopman; D H J Thijssen; T M H Eijsvogels
Perception and Performance of Physical Activity Behavior after Head and Neck Cancer Treatment
Sealy, Martine J (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Stuiver, Martijn M; Midtgaard, Julie; van der Schans, Cees P (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Roodenburg, Jan L N; Jager-Wittenaar, Harriët (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing)