Motivatie voor professioneel leren van leraren
Schoorens, F. (Student); Chlarie, M. (Student); Verhulst, S. (Student); Veendijk, S.
Samenwerken, wat nu?
Myrte Wilms (Student); Gertine van Ravenhorst (Student); Hanneke van Wijgerden-Snoek (Begeleider)
Mantelzorgers ten opzichte van Ambient Assisted Living technologieën zoals SONOPA
Huis in 't Veld, YWG (Yvet) (Student); Siers, DM (Daphne) (Student); Veeneman, E (Lisa) (Student)
Alcohol addiction on the agenda of rural development in Sri Lanka : identifying the professional challenges in project of prevention of addiction to alcohol and narcotic drugs, under the Samurdhi Programme
Muditha Pathmajay, T.D. (Student); Witteveen, L.
Children’s light : the participation of the child in the construction of twelve eagle’s narratives of resilience among rural families facing extreme poverty and food insecurity. Valle del Polochic
Molina, G. (Student); Witteven, L.
Mission (Im)Possible
Heleen Houg-Vogelaar (Student); Piet Koppejan (Begeleider)
Governance of producer groups : a case study on horticulture and livestock project, Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock : Khulm district, Balkh province – Afghanistan
Khalid, S. (Student); Verschuur, C.M.
The role of non-governmental organizations in the improvement of livelihood in south Sudan : a case study of BRAC microfinance program in Central Equatoria State, Juba
Matayo Gale, F.S. (Student); Koucher, A.