Counterfire operations against peer competitors
D. van Wollenberg
The impact of the corona virus on UN peacekeeping at the field, state, and global level
Buitelaar Tom; David den Dunnen (Lid Lectoraat); Diego Salama
UN Peacekeeping Intelligence
S.J.H. Rietjens; E.J. de Waard
Profiling terrorists -- Using statistics to fight terrorism
Robert Beeres; Robert Bertrand; Myriame Bollen
NL ARMS Netherlands Annual Review of Military Studies 2017. Winning without killing
Paul A.L. Ducheine; Frans P.B. Osinga
Sexual abuse and exploitation in UN peacekeeping operations
Cecilia Passaniti (Student); M. (Mihaela) Anghel
Re-interpreting peace and security
Tiaan Westenberg (Student); Isabel K. Düsterhöft
De geïntegreerde benadering in Afghanistan
L.J. Hazelbag; E.H. Klijn (Begeleider); F.P.B. Osinga (Begeleider)
In what extent is Albania ready to become an EU member?
Isida Muhametaj (Student); M.J. Weijerman-Kerremans (Begeleider)
A comparative study of the atrocities in Rwanda and Srebrenica : assessing the failure of the United Nations to prevent and halt genocide
Lisa V. Fennis (Student); P.G. (Paul) Nixon (Begeleider)