Tasks and responsibilities of clinical midwives in Dutch hospitals
H.W. Torij; H.J.M. van Heijningen-Tousain; E.M. Wingelaar-Loomans; B. Engeltjes; E.A.P. Steegers; M.J.B.M. Goumans; A.G. Posthumus
Predicting the risks and recognizing the signs: a two-year prospective population-based study on pregnant women with uterine rupture in The Netherlands
E.M. Overtoom; T.N. Huynh; A.N. Rosman; J.J. Zwart; T.P. Schaap; T. van den Akker; K.W.M. Bloemenkamp
Variations over time in mode of birth and perinatal outcomes in women with one previous cesarean in the Netherlands: a 20-year population-based study
I. Koorn; L.C. Vis; K.J.C. Verschueren; A.N. Rosman; T. van den Akker
Increasing trends in a low 5-min Apgar score among (near) term singletons: a Dutch nationwide cohort study
C.E. Tacke; W. Onland; P.C.A.M. Bakker; F. Groenendaal; A.N. Rosman; L. Broeders; J.V. Been; A.C.J. Ravelli
Spontaneous haemoperitoneum in pregnancy: nationwide surveillance and Delphi Audit System
A.M.F. Schreurs; E.M. Overtoom; M.A. de Boer; L.E.E. van der Houwen; M.C.I. Lier; T. van den Akker; J. Cornette; T.E. Vogelvang; I.C.M. Beenakkers; A.N. Rosman; J.W.M. Maas; D.J. Heineman; M.J.J. Finken; J.J.J. de Vries; N.B. Burger; T.P. Schaap; K.W.M. Bloemenkamp; V. Mijatovic
Lessons learned in cases of late preterm mortality in the Netherlands: results from nationwide perinatal audits, a mixed method study
L. Baauw; A.N. Rosman; T.H. van den Akker
Trends in perinatal outcomes of women with chronic medical conditions: a 10-year population-based study in the Netherlands
A.N. Rosman; H.W. Torij; S.R. Hilberink
Measure to improve: is there a patient-acuity measurement tool suitable for use in maternity service provision in the Netherlands? A systematic review
D.J. Cronie; A.N. Rosman; R. de Vries
Lessons learned from the perinatal audit of uterine rupture in the Netherlands: a mixed-method study
A.N. Rosman; J. van Dillen; J. Zwart; E. Overtoom; T. Schaap; K. Bloemenkamp; T. van den Akker
Facilitators and barriers of preconception care in women with inflammatory bowel disease and rheumatic diseases: an explorative survey study in a secondary and tertiary hospital
L.A.C. Admiraal; A.N. Rosman; R.J.E.M. Dolhain; R.L. West; A.G.M.G.J. Mulders