Zocht je misschien: preservice?
Exploring pre-service English teachers’ beliefs about plurilingualism: using visual and spoken methodologies with learners in a CLIL setting
Dale, E.M.; van Batenburg, E.S.L.
Teaching teachers to teach with technology: teacher educators' practices
Dana Uerz; Manon van Zanten; Kyra de Korte; Monique Volman; Marijke Kral
The right job pays: Effects of different types of work on study progress of pre-service teachers
Dekker, I. (Lectoraat Didactiek Van De Bètavakken); Chong, C.F.; Schippers, M.C.; van Schooten, E.; Delnoij, L.E.C.
Predisposition of In-Service Teachers to Use Game-Based Pedagogy
Palha, Sonia (Faculteit Onderwijs En Opvoeding (Foo)); Matić, Ljerka Jukić
Summary of results for PCK-in action
Eefje Smit (Onderzoeker); Hanneke Tuithof (Onderzoeker); Tine Béneker
Designing a data feedback program to improve teachers’ science and technology teaching skills in elementary education
P.L. Bom (Onderzoeker); M. Koopman (Onderzoeker); G.J.M. Veerman (Onderzoeker); D. Beijaard (Onderzoeker)
Portraying the developing PCK of Dutch pre-service geography teachers
Eefje Smit (Onderzoeker); Hanneke Tuithof (Onderzoeker); Tine Béneker (Onderzoeker)
Promoting instructional alignment in physical education teacher education
Ann MacPhail; Deborah Tannehill; Petter Leirhaug; Lars Borghouts
The right job pays: effects of work on the study progress of pre-service teachers
I. Dekker; C.F. Chong; M. Schippers; E.J. van Schooten
TORPEDO, a digital learning environment for developing mathematical problem-solving ability in primary teacher education
Marjolein Kool (Onderzoeker); Ronald Keijzer (Onderzoeker)