Development of a value-based healthcare burns core set for adult burn care
Spronk, I; van Uden, D; Lansdorp, C A; van Dammen, L; van Gemert, R; Visser, I; Versluis, G; Wanders, H; Geelen, S J G (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Verwilligen, R A F; van der Vlegel, M; Bijker, G C; Heijblom, M C; Fokke-Akkerman, M; Stoop, M; van Baar, M E; Nieuwenhuis, M K (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Pijpe, A; van Schie, C M H; Gardien, K L M; Lucas, Y; Snoeks, A; Scholten-Jaegers, S M H J; Meij-de Vries, A; Haanstra, T M; Weel-Koenders, A E A M; Wood, F M; Edgar, D W; Bosma, E; Middelkoop, E; van der Vlies, C H; van Zuijlen, P P M
Finding common ground
Doornik, T.J. van; Jung, M.P.S.; Loon-Steensma, J.M. van (Lector)
Ambulance quality and outcome measures for general non-conveyed populations (AQUA): A scoping review
Erik Höglund; Carl Magnusson; Jakob Lederman; Douglas Spangler; Lilian Vloet; Remco Ebben
The design elements of outpatient geriatric rehabilitation from patient, healthcare professional, and organizational perspective
Astrid Preitschopf; Marije Holstege (Lector); Andrea Ligthart; Bianca Buurman; Margriet Pol
Listening to People
Boekhoven, Jeroen (Jeugd, Educatie En Samenleving)
Thesis about the emptying process of water storage facilities in urban areas
Melvin Lisseveld (Student); Lukas Papenborg (Docent); Lennard Stigter (Begeleider)
Integrating sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS) for resilient urban living
Ina Slavcheva (Student); Sondos Saad Shaaban (Docent); Mireille Martens (Begeleider)
Co-creation in a quintuple helix, the art of including natural environments of society in a living lab that includes different types of stakeholders and monitoring the quality of this process of co-creation
Meister-Broekema, Peter
Advancing the Decarbonization of the Construction Sector: Lifecycle Quality and Performance Assurance of Nearly Zero-Energy Buildings
Emanuele Piaia (Onderzoeker); Beatrice Turillazzi (Onderzoeker); Roberto Di Giulio (Onderzoeker); Rizal Sebastian (Onderzoeker)
Involving Nurses in Participatory Action Research
Anne Marie Vaalburg (Lid Lectoraat); Petra Boersma (Lid Lectoraat); Elizabeth Wattel; Cees Hertogh; Robbert Gobbens (Lector)