Striving for more than just profit: examining the relationship between cause-related brand posts and social media engagement
S.B.T. Smit; K. Mazerant-Dubois; K.S. Klaassen; L.M. Willemsen
Indiandribble: how can indiandribble market their rental spaces and adapt their business model to ensure efficiency and profitability of their rental services?
Josje Irankunda (Student); Kjersti Ehrie (Docent); Bernard Polet (Begeleider)
Personality characteristics of Dutch nurse anesthetists and surgical nurses when compared to the normative Dutch population, a quantitative survey study
Vermeulen, Marie-Anne A.P.; Hill, Jonah M. (Faculteit Gezondheid); van Vilsteren, Bart; Brandt-Hagemans, Shirley C.F.; van Loon, Fredericus H.J.
An integrated business model perspective for optimalization of food hub practices in the local food supply chain
Feenstra, Bauke (Sustainable Financing And Entrepreneurship); Berens, Bas
Comparing the procurement and tendering process for electric buses in the Utrecht and Hamburg region
Marjoke de Boer (Onderzoeker); Martijn Rietbergen (Onderzoeker); Nicolas Restrepo Lopez (Onderzoeker); Stephanie Keßler (Onderzoeker); David Eerdmans (Onderzoeker)
Scaling social impact. A framework for collaboration between social enterprises and for-profit enterprises
Leendert de Bell (Lector); Linda Bakker (Onderzoeker)
Innovative Interventions through Value Network Carouseling
Liliya Terzieva (Onderzoeker); Stifani Herpich (Onderzoeker); Banoyi Zuma (Onderzoeker)
Facilitating citizenship-related classroom discussion: Teaching strategies in pre-vocational education that allow for variation in familiarity with discussion
Coopmans, Manja; Rinnooy Kan, Willemijn F. (Lectoraat Burgerschapsonderwijs)
Invloed van big data analytics op organisatorische prestaties binnen Nederlandse overheidsorganisaties
Arjen Davids (Student)
Epidemiology, Ventilation Management and Outcomes of COPD Patients Receiving Invasive Ventilation for COVID-19—Insights from PRoVENT-COVID
Tripipitsiriwat, Athiwat; Suppapueng, Orawan; van Meenen, David M. P.; Paulus, Frederique (Lectoraat Critical Care); Hollmann, Markus W.; Sivakorn, Chaisith; Schultz, Marcus J.