Identification and quantification of physical activity in critically ill burn patients
Dikkema, Y; Mouton, L J; Gerrits, K W; Steen-Dieperink, M van der; Eshuis, J; van der Schans, C P (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Scholten-Jaegers, S M H J; Nieuwenhuis, M K (Functional Recovery And Quality Of Life After Burns); Niemeijer, Anuschka
Collaborating for co-researching: A multi-stakeholder case narrative of student nurses co-researching technology-supported care
Shaun Cardiff (Onderzoeker); Teatske van der Zijpp (Lector); Hélène van den Nieuwenhoff (Onderzoeker); Marianne Nieboer (Onderzoeker)
Measuring the intangible.
Alice Dimastrogiovanni (Student)
Dietary intake at stake
Barkmeijer, Alyanne (Malnutrition And Healthy Ageing); te Molder, Hedwig; Lamerichs, Joyce; Jager-Wittenaar, Harriët (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing)
Learning experiences from ECEC professionals during an international field visit
Fukkink, Ruben Georges (Kenniscentrum Onderwijs En Opvoeding); Egert, Franziska
How older adults experience the age-friendliness of Skopje:
Joost van Hoof; Jeroen Dikken; Daniel Pavlovski; Elisabeta Bajrami Ollogu
Perspectives of older people on environmental sustainability:
Jeroen Dikken; Joost van Hoof; Jan K. Kazak; Loredana Ivan; Liat Ayalon; Daniel Pavlovski; Jolanta M. Perek-Białas
Dynamic Weather System inside Unreal Engine 4.
Ani, T (Tudor) (Student)
‘‘I am the mother of the kind of child you dread having’’: Experiences of living with chronic sorrow among parents with a disabled child
Edith Raap (Onderzoeker); Katie Lee Weille (Onderzoeker); Christine Dedding (Onderzoeker)