Zocht je misschien: psychogeriatrie?
Social Interaction during Dog and Robot Group Sessions for Nursing Home Residents with Dementia: the Handler Effect
Schuurmans, Lonneke GJA; Noback, Inge (Youth And Living Environment); Schols, Jos MGA; Enders-Slegers, Marie-Jose
The Acceptability Of The Intra-Oral Camera By Dutch Nurses
Janneke Scheerman (Lid Lectoraat); Laurence Alpay (Associate Lector); J. Otte; S. Driesse; Y. Naiemi; Ybranda Koster (Lid Lectoraat); M. van der Veen
IADR Group/Network Award-Women in Science Promising Talent AwardMalnutrition Prevalence Rates among Dutch Nursing Home Residents: What Has Changed over One Decade? A Comparison of the Years 2009, 2013 and 2018
IHJ Everink; JCM van Haastregt; M Manders; Marian de van der Schueren; JMGA Schols
How nursing home residents respond to the interactive art installation ‘Morgendauw’
Tom Luyten (Lid Lectoraat); Susy Braun (Lector); Susan van Hooren (Lector); Luc de Witte
Does working with the Veder Contact Method influence the job satisfaction of caregivers?
Petra Boersma (Lid Lectoraat)
Relationship between the presence of baccalaureate-educated RNs and quality of care
R. Backhaus; E. Capezuti; H. Verbeek; J.P. Hamers; F.E. Tan; E. van Rossum (Lector); R.J. Halfens
Do nursing staff encourage functional activity among nursing home residents?
Nienke O. Kuk; Mirre den Ouden; G. A. Rixt Zijlstra; Jan P.H. Hamers; Gertrudis L.J.M. Kempen; Gerrie J.J.W. Bours (Lid Lectoraat)
Losing items in the psychogeriatric nursing home
J. van Hoof (Docent); B. Douven; B.M. Janssen PhD (Docent); W.P.H. Bosems (Docent); C.E. Oude Weernink (Docent); M.B. Vossen (Docent)
The challenges of shared decision making in dementia care networks
L Groen - van de Ven; Carolien Smits; Marijke Span; J.S. Jukema; K.C. Coppoolse; Jan Eefsting; M. Vernooij-Dassen; J. de Lange (Lector)
The effects of a multi-component dyadic intervention on the psychological distress of family caregivers providing care to people with dementia: a randomized controlled trial
J. Twisk; A.M. Pot; A. Prick; J. de Lange (Lector)