Communication in Daily Life of Children With Developmental Language Disorder: Parents’ and Teachers’ Perspectives
Gerda Bruinsma (Onderzoeker); Frank Wijnen (Onderzoeker); Ellen Gerrits (Lector)
Identifying Relevant Concepts for the Development of a Communicative Participation Item Bank for Children and Adolescents
Eline Alons (Onderzoeker); Laurien Brauner (Onderzoeker); Margreet Luinge (Onderzoeker); Caroline B. Terwee (Onderzoeker); Lizet van Ewijk (Onderzoeker); Ellen Gerrits (Lector)
Communiceren over purpose: het dilemma onderzocht
K.S. Klaassen; L.M. Willemsen
Critical Participatory Action Research, Critical Discourse Analysis and Praxis
Nicolina Montesano Montessori (Onderzoeker)
Purpose communicatie: consistent en met commitment
K. Mazerant-Dubois; K.S. Klaassen; S.B.T. Smit; L.M. Willemsen; C. Noordegraaf; C. Burgers
Language Sample Analysis in Clinical Practice: Speech-Language Pathologists’ Barriers, Facilitators, and Needs
Inge Klatte (Onderzoeker); Vera van Heugten (Onderzoeker); Rob Zwitserlood (Onderzoeker); Ellen Gerrits (Lector)
Humanistic communication professionals: dialogue and listening skills as core competencies of humanistic communication professionals in the Netherlands
M. Elshof; Bram Hendrawan
Development and Diagnostic Accuracy of a Shortened Dutch Naming Test for People with Aphasia Using Item Response Theory
Eline Alons (Onderzoeker); Lotti Dijkhuis (Onderzoeker); Piet van Tuijl (Onderzoeker); Lizet van Ewijk (Onderzoeker)
Meaning-making on the ground: an empirical study on interactional framing in environmental conflicts
Korien van Vuuren - Verkerk (Lid Lectoraat); Noelle Aarts; Jan van der Stoep (Lector)
Emerald Professional Impact Award 2020