Meme Mikrodalgası Hipertermi Aplikatörü İçin Geliştirilen Doku Taklidi Jel Karakterizasyonuc (Tissue Mimicking Gel Characterization Developed for a Breast Microwave Hyperthermia Applicator)
Ömer Işık (Onderzoeker); Erdal Korkmaz (Onderzoeker)
Reducing meat consumption: The influence of life course transitions, barriers and enablers, and effective strategies according to young Dutch adults
van den Berg, Saskia W.; van den Brink, Annelien C.; Wagemakers, Annemarie; den Broeder, Lea (Lectoraat Gezondheid En Omgeving)
Maximizing the taste perception of instant vegan soup powders using natural taste enhancers
Maria Paula de Mey (Student)
Sixteenth century reckoners versus twenty-first century problem solvers
Marjolein Kool (Lid Lectoraat)
Foreword [Social Design Cookbook]
de Waal, Martijn (Lectoraat Civic Interaction Design); Bujdosó, Attila
One size fits all?
Kamphorst, Jan Cornelis
The 3D additivist cookbook
Allahyari, Morehshin; Rourke, Daniel
De customer journey van Streekbox
Melanie van der Vlist (Student)
A study into the communication optimization of HelloFresh Nederland
Frederieke Sauer (Student); Marlies Jongman (Begeleider); Evgenia Starkova (Begeleider)