Influence Operations in Cyberspace
Peter Pijpers
Beinvloedingsoperaties in CyberSpace
Peter Pijpers
The effects on South Asian minorities post-Brexit
Aradhna Changoer (Student); Antje Grebner
The role of the European Union in the Catalan Separation Crisis
Jet van der Kolk (Student); N. Schwan
Sleepwet sleept achter de feiten aan
Ben Kokkeler
The UKIP, ‘’the’’ populist party in the UK?
Jara van der Velde (Student); P.G. (Paul) Nixon; A. (Andreas) Funk
A case study on the high percentage of ‘NO’-votes in five Dutch municipalities during the Dutch referendum on the European Constitution
Willem Ruys (Student); M. (Mihaela) Anghel
Dutch National Security Reform Under Review
Quirine Eijkman (Lector); Nico van Eijk; Robert van Schaik
The brexit effect
Heijboer, V. (Student); Stoffer, G.W.
Basisinkomen wordt onvermijdelijk
Dommerholt, Egbert