Leerkring brugfunctionaris
Gerth, Melissa; Gall, Wenda; Kassenberg, Annelies; Reneman, Marielle
Meaningful contributions of rehabilitation for people with persistent pain; a reflexive thematic analysis
Beetsma, Anneke J (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Paap, Davy; Pool, Grieteke; Reezigt, Roland R; de Ruiter, Eugenie; Hobbelen, Hans S M (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Reneman, Michiel F
De Brugfunctionaris op school
Kassenberg, Annelies; Reneman, Marielle; Mollema, Joyce
De brugfunctionaris op school: Voor een sterke verbinding tussen kind, gezien, school en samenleving
Kassenberg, Annelies; Reneman, Marielle
Protocol for a multicenter study on effectiveness and economics of the Back At work After Surgery (BAAS)
Strijbos, Daniël O; van der Sluis, Geert; van Houtert, Wim F C; Straat, A Carlien; van Zaanen, Yvonne; de Groot, Stephan; Klomp, Simon; Krijnen, Wim P; Kooijman, Carolien M; van den Brand, Igor; Reneman, Michiel F; Boymans, Tim A E J; Kuijer, P Paul F M
Toward consensus on pain-related content in the pre-registration, undergraduate physical therapy curriculum
Reezigt, Roland; Beetsma, Anneke (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Köke, Albere; Hobbelen, Hans (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Reneman, Michiel
De brugfunctionaris op school
Kassenberg, Annelies (Jeugd En Leefomgeving); Reneman, Marielle; Huijbers, Patty
Knowledge and attitudes toward musculoskeletal pain neuroscience of manual therapy postgraduate students in the Netherlands
Beetsma, Anneke (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Reezigt, Roland; Reneman, Michiel F
Six Dijkstra, WMC (Marianne) (Lectoratemember); Siebrand, E (Egbert) (Lectoratemember); Dorrestijn, S (Steven) (Lector); Salomons, E (Etto) (Lectoratemember); Reneman, MF (Michiel) (Professor); Oosterveld, FGJ (Frits) (Lector); Soer, R (Remko) (Associatelector); Gross, DP (Douglas) (Professor); Bieleman, HJ (Hendrik) (Associatelector)
Changes in kinematics and work physiology during progressive lifting in healthy adults
Bieleman, H.J. (André) (Associatelector); Rijken, N.H.M. (Noortje) (Researcher); Reneman, M.F. (Michiel) (Professor); Oosterveld, F.G.J. (Frits) (Lector); Soer, R. (Remko) (Associatelector)