Ukraine’s Kharkiv offensive through Jomini’s eyes
Randy Noorman
The European Identity crisis: Territoriality and the Self/Other Dichotomy
Vittoria Di Canzio (Student); Antje Grebner
Learning space preferences of higher education students
Ronald Beckers; Theo van der Voordt; Geert Dewulf
ACL Research Retreat VII
Benjaminse, Anne; Welling, Wouter; Gokeler, Alli; Otten, Bert; Diercks, Ron; Lemmink, Koen
ACL research retreat VII
Shultz, Sandra; Schmitz, Randy; Benjaminse, Anne; Collins, Malcolm; Ford, Kevin; Kulas, Anthony
The Moraine Retreat
P. Muselaers (Student)
Sweet Retreat
Jelle Segeren (Student)
Entering the Russian market with OOO Zet-Group: export consulting for Dutch SMEs
Paul Scarpa (Student); Antje Grebner (Begeleider)
In the spotlight: a blessing and a curse for immigrant women in the Netherlands
Sawitri Saharso; dr. B. (Baukje) Prins (Lector)