Social frailty in older adults
Anung Ahadi Pradana; Robbert Gobbens (Lector); Huei-Ling Chiu; Huei-Ling Chiu; Shu-Chun Lee
Supporting collaborative learning and/or knowledge building in initial teacher education using video
Monginho, R.; Jong, F.P.C.M. de (Lector); Velazquez-Godinez, E.; Costa, P.
The use of extended reality in rehabilitation for patients with acquired brain injury: A scoping review
Loes Bulle-Smid (Lid Lectoraat); Renée van den Heuvel; Wouter Keuning (Lid Lectoraat); Gido Hakvoort (Lid Lectoraat); Ramon Daniels; Fenne Verhoeven (Lid Lectoraat)
PIONEER big data platform for prostate cancer: lessons for advancing future real-world evidence research
A. Lawlor; K. Beyer; B. Russell; T. Hulsen; et al.
Public acceptance of biomass for bioenergy: The need for feedstock differentiation and communicating a waste utilization frame.
van Dijk, Mathilde (Life Sciences & Renewable Energy); Goedegebure, Robert; Nap, Jan Peter
Interplay Between Digital-Only Strategy and Financial Performance
Grabovets, Kateryna; Temelkov, Zoran; Yazıcı, Ayşe Meriç; Albattat, Ahmad; Valeri, Marco; Hassan, Viana
Sustainability in the water sector
Silvio Kaiser (Student); Sarah de Bakker (Docent); Daniel González de Suso Iraola (Begeleider)
Generation Z: attracting and recruiting in DSK Bank
Boyana Petkova (Student); Etienne Veldhuis (Docent); Gabriela Dzhezayryan (Begeleider)
Coping with immersive negative employer ratings: An employee perspective
Christ-Brendemühl, Sonja; Könsgen, Raoul; Schaarschmidt, Mario; Price, Michael; Russell, Mike (Lectoraat Ondernemerschap)
Sustainability, health, and convenience in lion’s mane-based meat alternatives
Thiele, M. (Student); Klaassen, M.