Groenboom, Rix; Bril, Roeland
QX Day 2023 - SustAInable Quality Engineering
Groenboom, Rix; Bril, Roeland
Teacher professional learning and development in the context of educational innovations in higher education
van de Wiel, (Margje) (Onderzoeker); Stevens, (Tim M.) (Extern); Day, (Indira N.Z.) (Extern); Brok, (Perry J.) den (Extern); Prins, (Frans J.) (Extern); Assen, (Hanneke J.H.E.) (Extern); Beek, (Marlies) ter (Extern); BomBaerts, (Gunter) (Extern); Coppoolse, (Remco) (Extern); Cremers, (Petra H.M.) (Extern); Engebers, (Rik) (Extern); Hulsen, (Madeleine ) (Extern); Kamp, (Rachelle J.A.) (Extern); Koksma, (Jur J.) (Extern); Mittendorff, (Kariene) (Lector); Riezebos, (Jan) (Extern); Rijst, (Roeland M. ) van der (Extern); Wiel, (Margje W.J.) van de (Extern); Vermunt, (Jan D.) (Extern)
Waardevolle missies in het vizier
Roeland van den Berg (Student); Kees Bregman (Begeleider)
Hanze Impact Event
Groenboom, Rix; Bril, Roeland
Fortiss Software Quality Days 2023
Groenboom, Rix; Bril, Roeland
@north event: het event met alle ontwikkelingen over autonoom vervoer in Noord-Nederland
Groenboom, Rix; Bril, Roeland
Teacher professional learning and development in the context of educational innovations in higher education
Madeleine Hulsen; Perry J. den Brok; Tim M. Stevens; Indira N.Z. Day; Frans J. Prins; Hanneke J. Assen; Marlies ter Beek; Gunter Bombaerts; Remco Coppoolse; Petra H. M. Cremers; Rik Engbers; Rachelle J. A. Kamp; Jur Koksma; Kariene Mittendorff; Jan Riezebos; Roeland van der Rijst; Margje van der Wiel; Jan D. Vermunt
What s in it for me
Baas, M (Marjon) (Phd); Rijst, R (Roeland) van der (Extern); Admiraal, W (Wilfried) (Extern); Huizinga, T (Tjark) (Associate Lector); Schuwer, (Robert) (Ex); Berg, (Ellen) van den (Extern)
On Serendipitous Campus Meetings:
Jansz, Sascha (Facility Management); Mobach, Mark P. (Facility Management); van Dijk, Terry; de Vries, Esther; van Hout, Roeland